Dawn Geddes is freelance writer and publicity specialist. Her journalism work has been published in: Mslexia, The People’s Friend, My Weekly, Art UK, Living, Scottish Wedding Directory, Daily Record, Scots Heritage, The Courier, Scottish Field, Scotland Now, Mother & Baby, Pregnancy & Birth, Maternity & Infant, MADE and Scary Mommy.
She is the Scots Magazine’s Book Correspondent and reviews books and interviews authors on a monthly basis.
Her creative work is represented by Sophie Hicks of the Sophie Hicks Agency. Her current work in progress is: the YA gothic novel Cursed! Dawn is the creator of the newsletter: Oh My Goth.
Dawn also has over 20 years’ experience in public relations, copywriting and digital communications and has developed a particular specialism for working with clients in the literature sector, including bestselling authors and leading literary festivals. For more information on these services visit: Book Smart PR.